Saturday, 8 March 2014

Today's Tea: Grape Expectations

Organic Grape Expectations from DAVIDsTEA

Description: We’ve fallen hard for this fresh, tangy, grape-filled blend. In fact, it’s David’s new favourite flavoured tea. Why does he love it so much? There’s just something so luxurious about it. With green tea perfumed with Muscat and concord grapes, it’s a drink fit for royalty. Just brewing a cup makes you feel like you’re floating on some fabulous yacht in the Mediterranean or along the French Riviera. Try it iced in champagne flutes for the full effect. Something tells us we’re into something grape. Limited edition.

Ingredients: Organic: green tea, raisins, cornflower. With natural grape flavoring.

Caffeine: 2 (Medium caffeine)

Brewing Instructions: 1.25 tsp     85°C/185°F    3-4 min

(From DAVIDsTEA: Grape Expectations)

Steph's Thoughts:


When I went into DAVIDsTEA this week, all the spring teas were out and waiting for me. I have a few that I want to review.  Those will be out in a week or so. 

Lately, I've been craving grape. Specifically, the grape Lifesavers that I got when I was a young kid. Since they don't make grape Lifesavers anymore, I've been having to make do with other things. I've tried about four different flavours of grape soda, in addition to eating actual grapes. (Nom nom.) So imagine my excitement when GRAPE EXPECTATIONS popped up at DT. 

The dry leaf notes are exactly what I would expect. They fulfill my cravings. So far, so good!

As I first made this tea at my parents' house last Thursday, and they don't have a kettle that tells me the temperature, I tried using a (CLEAN!) meat thermometer to measure the temperature of my water. I had ensured that the temperature was 185°F, but I suppose it was still too hot, as the first sip was very bitter.
I don't know whether the water was too hot, or whether I steeped it too long. Adding sugar made it a bit better, but it still didn't taste quite right. It had a nice aftertaste, but it was vastly overwhelmed by the taste of burnt green tea.

Today, I decided to try this tea again. I used my variable temperature kettle, ensuring the temperature was 185°F, and steeped it for three minutes and thirty seconds. It seems to have made quite the difference, as the tea is not bitter at all, and requires no sweetener. The grape flavour comes out far more clearly, and it's not overwhelmed by the green tea. 

I haven't tried it iced, but part of me would like to try it as a spritzer - basically, overbrewed tea watered down with soda water. It seems like it would make a nice summer drink.

Alas, it's going to be a long time coming for summer, as it's still -25°C with four feet of snow here. *sigh* At least I have DT's spring teas to fuel my springtime fantasies.

VERDICT: Pretty good for a green tea!