Monday 19 May 2014

Today's Tea: Buddha's Blend

Buddha's Blend from DAVIDsTEA

Description: We don’t like to brag, but we’re pretty sure we just found the key to achieving nirvana. It’s easier than you might think – you’re actually just a cup away. You start with a fresh, delicate mix of white and green tea. Then you sprinkle in a few jasmine pearls for their sweet, floral perfume. Next, you add the unexpected fruity aroma of some beautiful white hibiscus blossoms. Finally? You sit back, relax and take a sip. Heavenly...

Ingredients: White tea, green tea, jasmine pearls, white hibiscus blossoms, natural and articifial flavouring

Caffeine: 2 (Medium caffeine)

Brewing Instructions: 1.25 tsp    90°C/195°F 4-5 min (HOWEVER, Claire recommended 1 minute steep and at VERY MAXIMUM 2 minutes, as it does have the potential to get bitter)

(From DAVIDsTEA: Buddha's Blend)

Steph's Thoughts:
Normally I steer clear of both white tea (because it's picky) and jasmine (because it's perfume-y). But after celebrating a successful shopping trip to buy choir pants (in which I had to drop not one, but FIVE pant sizes, going from a size 14 to a size 6!!!!!!!!!!), I wanted to reward myself with some tea.

I bought this for my brother in law, who has been staying with us. I figured it would be a "Just For Jonathan" bag, so he wouldn't drink all MY tea. :P He really liked it, and so when I saw that it was the Tea of the Day at DT, I figured, well, why the heck not.

Dry leaves have a peachy smell. First sip is light, definitely peach with a hint of floral. It's a bit bitter, but I wonder if it's because it was left to steep too long. Claire, the TeaGuide at Grant Park, recommended a shorter steep time for this tea, and that's probably why. It does have a very nice flavour to it, though.

I don't know if this would be a staple in my cupboard, mostly because I'm not a huge peach fan, and it's a wee bit floral for me. It is yummy, though, as a celebratory treat.

Verdict: Good if you like peach. Yum.

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