Tuesday 31 July 2012

Today's Tea: Blueberry Jam

Organic Blueberry Jam from David's Tea

Description:  Blueberries might just be the greatest fruit around – after all, they’re the star ingredient of North America’s favourite muffin. And hundreds of years before moms were making them into jams, jellies and cakes, blueberries were called “star berries” and revered for their healing powers. Another little known fact about blueberries is that they make for one great cup of tea – when you blend them with black tea, elderberries, cornflowers and stevia, it’s the perfect companion to your morning toast.

Ingredients: Organic: black tea, blueberries, elderberries, pink cornflower petals, stevia. With organic and natural flavouring.

(from David's Tea: Blueberry Jam)

Steph's Thoughts:

I'm glad I went in to David's tea for the TOTD (tea of the day). When you bring your David's Tea iced tea mug into the store, you get their TOTD for a buck (all summer long), which is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. I figured it'd be a really good way of trying new teas for fairly cheap.

And I'm glad I did. This is a nice, fruity tea. If you like blueberries, or blueberry muffins, or even just a nice, sweet berry tea, this is your tea. I had it cold and sweetened, which is the way I like my tea in the summer. It smelled like a homemade pot of blueberry jam, and it made me crave homemade biscuits and jam.

You know when you're munching on a pail of berries and there are some that are sweet and some that are kind of tart and sour? This tea falls on the "sweet berry" spectrum. The Hubby said that with sweetener, it's too sweet for him, but he can just brew a cup without agave.  And mixed with the black tea, it's got just the right OOMPH.

You know it's a good cup of tea when you finish it and you want some more. Alas, I felt like just TRYING it today, but I have a feeling it might be a "buy" tea. I wish I had a disposable income just for tea.

And honestly, I wasn't QUITE sure about it at first. My initial sip was like, "uh, what," but as the aroma settled into my nose, and the flavours really blended on the palette, it grew on me just like blueberries have in the last little while. Even if you're skeptical at first, give it a whole cup before you make your FINAL assessment.

Verdict: Blueberry Jam is Made Of Win.

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