Thursday 16 August 2012

Tea-gourt pops

So, today I decided to try something different. I'm not the kind of person who normally "makes up recipes" so today's experiment was a HUGE step outside my comfort zone.

My mom used to make yogourt popsicles for me when I was a kid - basically, frozen yogourt on a stick. I'm sure she added some other ingredients. In any case, they were pretty fabulous!

I had some yogourt that I needed to use up, so I figured, why not flavour it with tea? I brewed some Strawberry Shortcake tea (from David's Tea), and mixed in some sugar, and let it cool. Then I poured half the tea into one popsicle mold, and mixed the other half with the yogourt. (Just in case the yogourt ones tasted gross, I wanted to make some plain ones.)  My popsicle molds makes four popsicles.

The recipe that I used (far as I can figure out) goes something like this:

8 teaspoons of tea
hot water, enough to fill popsicle molds
1 cup of plain yogourt

Steep tea in the hot water. Add sugar to make it sweet. Let it cool. Mix the tea with the yogourt. Make sure it's smooth and not chunky. Pour into popsicle molds. Freeze.


Upon tasting these, I think something went funky, because the tea was VERY bitter, more bitter than I'm used to it. I didn't like it very much, so I'm going to have to fiddle with the recipe. Perhaps it was the fact that I used my hubby's coffee press because it was the only thing big enough to steep the tea in. There was already a batch of iced tea in the iced tea maker, otherwise I would've used that.
Either way, these have the potential to be the most amazing things ever, so I'm going to keep fiddling with the recipe until I've got it right, and then I'm going to post it here.

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