Monday, 26 November 2012

Today's Tea: Sweet Ginger Maté

Today's review DOES NOT come from DAVIDsTEA. (I know, shocking, innit??)

For about 2 months now, I've been receiving monthly samples from a company called "Natur'el Tea." They're also a Canadian tea company, run out of Banff, Alberta (David's is run out of Montréal). I don't remember signing up for this - maybe this is my birthday gift my sister-in-law was talking about. BUT they send me tea samples and a newsletter every month, and today, the October newsletter arrived with a sample of Organic Sweet Ginger Maté.

So after a long day at work, I decided to brew some tea to warm me up (because Winnipeg is RIDICULOUSLY cold for November), and also to WAKE me up (because me and 6:30 am do not get along. Heck, me and 8 am don't get along either...).

So without further ado, I review for you:

Organic Sweet Ginger Maté from Natur'el Tea

(unfortunately, they don't have pictures on their website of the teas... Boo! I should see if I can hook up the digicam and rock the photos...)

 Description: The full-bodied flavor and bold energy of Yerba Mate hand blended with aromatic forest spices and stimulating ginger offers a burst of energy and exotic aroma.

Organic shade grown yerba maté, Organic ginger root, Organic cinnamon, Organic cardamom, Organic licorice root.

(From Natur'el Tea: Maté)

Steph's Thoughts:

First thoughts: Definitely a maté. Smells like Christmas. Num! It also brews a beautiful colour!

I like this tea because it tastes like a very light, tea-ified version of a gingerbread cookie, with a maté twist. The ginger, cardamom and licorice come through, but the licorice is not overpowering, nor is the ginger too spicy.

I also like that I don't have to add ANY sweetener to this tea - it's perfectly sweet enough on its own. Apparently that's thanks to the licorice root, which is a natural sweetener. (Huh. Who knew?!)

I haven't tried any other teas from this company yet. I'm tempted to order samplers of all the teas, but I don't have any more room on my shelves for anything!! (also, it's Christmas and I'm broke...)

I am excited that this company is a) a Canadian company, b) a relatively small company, and c) a mostly-online company. The owner does do tours to various craft shows, farmers' markets, and the like. You can buy Natur'el Tea at several other retailers throughout British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario, as well as online.

Verdict: Win!! I think when I have a craving for gingerbread cookies, this will be my go-to, sugar-free alternative.

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