Sunday 9 February 2014

Today's Tea: Soothing Throat Blend

Soothing Throat Blend from Steeps Tea (The Tea Girl)

Description: This beneficial blend contains licorice, fennel, cinnamon, orange peel, ginger, thyme, marshmallow root, mullein, dried lemon juice, cardamom, black peppercorns, and kurkuma. Created for individual wellness and inspired by the early Hindu concept of Ayurveda, meaning the "teaching of life." Licorice has traditionally been used to treat symptoms of the common cold. It acts as a mild anti-imflammatory and expectorant - also a property of the marshmallow root and mullein. Thyme, ginger and fennel relieve sore throats, bronchial problems, laryngitis, fevers and headaches. While cardamom and kurkuma, otherwise known as tumeric, relieve throat and sinus congestion - as well as making our tea a bright and sunny yellow. This aromatic and warming tea will soothe those scratchy throats - the 'Vicks' of tea!

Ingredients:  Licorice, fennel, cinnamon, orange peel, ginger, thyme, marshmallow root, mullein, dried lemon juice, cardamom, black peppercorns, and kurkuma.

Brewing Instructions: (None provided. Since it's an herbal blend, I'm assuming the following:)
1.5 tsp     98°C/208°F     4-7 min

(From SteepsTea: Soothing Throat Blend)

Steph's Thoughts:
I've been sick lately (again... sigh). We visited a friend last night, and upon hearing my nasal, congested tone, immediately put water on to boil. He pulled this tea out of the freezer (which apparently keeps it better), and brewed me a cup.

I was immediately struck by the licorice aroma. It brings to mind very much the aroma of Licorice Twist, from DAVIDsTEA.

It's a little on the sweeter side, so I don't think a lot of sweetener is necessary. I didn't add any, and I usually like my tea sweet. The licorice and fennel definitely come through, as well as something that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's the marshmallow root.

I was expecting it to be spicy, with the peppercorns and the ginger, but it's not as spicy as one would expect. That's not a bad thing - spicy tea is not my favourite. It's got the right blend of flavour.

One thing that both Austin and I remarked on was how the tea almost immediately soothes the throat and opens the sinuses. Since my sinuses feel like I have a brick in them, that nearly-immediate clearing of my nasal passages was a welcome relief. Now, if only it worked on EARS.

I think that this tea might become part of my cold regimen, which includes saline rinses (I don't have a neti pot yet, but I'm sure I'll get there in the next 10 years.... I just use saline spray, which really does make a HUGE difference) and a lot of tea! (also, Vicks. Ugh, the Vicks.)

Verdict: I CAN BREAAAAAATHE! A must for your medicine cabinet. It'll make colds flee!

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