Wednesday 22 August 2012

Today's Tea: Pom Power

Pom Power from David's Tea

Description: Need help getting through the daily grind? Try pomegranates. Doctors have used them for thousands of years to heal just about everything. Warriors in ancient Persia ate them before combat for strength. But we love them because they taste amazing. With tart pomegranate seeds, hibiscus blossoms, and white Silver Needles, this fresh and fruity tea will help you face any of life’s little battles.

Ingredients: Silver Needles white tea, pomegranate seeds, hibiscus. Natural and artificial flavouring

(From David's Tea: Pom Power)

Steph's Thoughts:
It's pink and it tastes a little like candy!

Sorry, it's been a rough morning. Hence, drinking tea that makes me at least giggle a little.

The thing that I appreciate about this tea is that I can drink it completely sugar-free. When you're trying to cut down on your sugar intake, this is a VERY GOOD THING. This is also a tea that you can let steep while you drink the whole cup. You don't have to remove your teabag halfway through. I put it in teabags rather than letting it sit in the steeper, because this is a tea that tastes just fine if you let it sit "too long." And really, I haven't come across a white tea that I can't let steep forever and ever. The flavour just gets bolder, but not bitter.

Pom Power is definitely a fruity tea and it has a slight aftertaste, but it's not a BAD aftertaste. It's like .... a flower on your tongue. That might be the hibiscus. This is another good, smooth tea. It's also a tea that tastes good hot or iced. I might recommend it iced, though, because of the fruit. Also, it's a really funky colour.

This might make a really good sorbet, if I could figure out how to make sorbet-in-a-bag, since I don't have an ice cream maker. Actually, this would make a FABULOUS tea popsicle. I think I might have to scrap my first attempt at tea popsicles, because they taste icky. Boo. BUT this tea, like I said, would make a great tea popsicle. I think I'm going to go do that now.

(Oh, it also makes beautiful tea art! .... I haven't posted about that? I should post about that. Maybe that's what I'll do tomorrow!)

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